Kabaddi 4 - The Final Match is a Nepali comedy drama film directed by Ram Babu Gurung. This movie is made after the successful of previous movie series Kabaddi. Dahayang Rai, Miruna Magar, Saugat Malla, Buddhi Tamang, Bijay Baral are the popular actors staring in this film. The narrative centers on Kaji, who considers becoming a monk due to relationship issues, and his cousin Bam Kaji. Kaji avoids marriage by taking a teaching job just as Shanti arrives. During her visit, an unexpected journey with both cousins reveals Bam Kaji's feelings for Shanti. A letter causes misunderstandings and professional trouble for Bam Kaji, leading him to attempt desperate measures like kidnapping to win Shanti. Eventually, Kaji acknowledges his love for Shanti and rescues her from a forced marriage. The story ends with Kaji and Shanti embracing their love without formal proposals. Kabaddi 4 - The Final Match movie is available freely on youtube.
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