Kabaddi is a Nepali comedy drama movie directed by Ram Babu Gurung. Popular actor like Dahayang Rai, Nischal Basnet, Buddhi Tamang, Bijay Baral are staring in Kabaddi. Kazi, a young man from Mustang, Nepal, dreams of marrying Maiyya, his maternal uncle's daughter. Despite being rejected due to his behavior, he plans an illegal capture marriage with friends' support. Meanwhile, Maiyya elopes with Bibek to Kathmandu for her studies and to find her father. Kazi follows her but gets involved in a city conspiracy involving Bibek seeking revenge on Maiyya's father. Kazi successfully brings Maiyya back home; however, their relationship remains stagnant as she continues high school while he waits outside with flowers. This movie is so loved that its series have been made. Kabaddi is available on youtube.