Balidan is a gripping political action film directed by Santosh Sen, set to release in 2025. The film examines the sacrifices made by ordinary citizens in their pursuit of change and identity. It portrays the emotional and physical toll on individuals who fight for a better society, only to realize that their sacrifices fail to bring about the transformation they hoped for. The narrative follows several protagonists who, inspired by the ideal of a better future, struggle for societal reform. However, despite their relentless efforts, the promised progress never materializes, leaving them disillusioned. The film critiques the political structures that exploit sacrifice without delivering real change, exploring themes of identity, justice, and social transformation. Balidan raises important questions about the nature of sacrifice, and whether it is truly for the greater good or merely a tool used by those in power. Through raw storytelling, it highlights the high price citizens pay for change that never comes.
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